Wednesday, May 8, 2013

TO DO: Guantanamo
Source: Witness Against Torture

Day 90 of the Guantanamo Hunger Strike  
Dear Friends:
We know that you want Guantanamo closed!  Below are some steps to take immediately to help make that happen.   
On Friday, May 10, at 10:00 AM, experts on the situation at Guantanamo will brief Congress about current conditions at the prison and discuss immediate steps the President can take to start the
process of closing the prison. 

It is imperative that the briefing be well attended by Congressional members and staff.  
Please help us convince congressional staff to attend the briefing.  Make calls yourself, and ask your colleagues and friends to call their congressional representatives and urge them to attend
the briefing
?  Information on how to do that, and a copy of the invitation to the briefing for you to send to your Congressperson are included in this email.

In the Boston Globe this week, James Carroll wrote a column entitled: It’s your turn - American public must demand closure of Guantanamo facility.  TO SIGN, GO TO:

The column highlights a 
Close Gtmo petition that we collaborated on with Col. Morris Davis and and calls for 1Million signatures.  Please sign the petition, and share the article, as one way to
blow away the myth of public indifference.     

More information on plans for May 17-19 International Days of Action to Close Guantanamo coming soon!

Matt Daloisio 
for Witness Against Torture

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