Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Article: Keystone XL
Source: Houston Business Journal


Sep 16, 2013, 1:11pm CDT UPDATED: Sep 16, 2013, 1:56pm CDT

Keystone XL protesters arrested at TransCanada in Houston

Courtesy photo
A woman protests the Keystone XL pipeline at TransCanada Corp.'s (NYSE: TRP) Houston office on Sept. 16.
Reporter-Houston Business Journal
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More than a dozen activists were arrested Monday morning during a downtown Houston protest at the offices ofTransCanada Corp. (NYSE: TRP), the Canadian pipeline company that owns the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.
Among the 13 people arrested were two former oil company workersBecky Bond, a spokesperson for CREEDO, told FuelFix.
The protesters appeared prepared for arrest. In an advisory to media on Sept. 16, the group said they planned a sit-in at TransCanada’s U.S. headquarters in Houston in opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline.
“TransCanada is the foreign oil company seeking to build the controversial pipeline through American soil to export tar sands oil overseas,” the protest group said in the advisory. “The sit-in is the third civil disobedience action organized by CREDO, Rainforest Action Networkand the Other 98% to maintain pressure on President Obama and the State Department to reject Keystone XL once and for all.”
Bond said in a statement after the arrest that the organization won't stop protesting the pipeline until President Obama rejects it.
In January, two protesters were arrested at TransCanada’s Houston office after locking themselves to one another and a door in the company’s lobby.
The southern end of the Keystone XL between Cushing, Okla., and Nederland, Texas, is nearing completion. However, it’s the portion of the pipeline from Canada, which crosses the international border with the U.S., that has protestors in an uproar.
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