Sunday, September 29, 2013

TO DO: NSA/Surveillance
Source: ACLU

You Need A Warrant To Read My Emails

New documents from the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ offices paint a troubling picture of the government’s email surveillance practices. The FBI claims it can read your emails and texts without a warrant—even after a federal appeals court ruled that doing so violates the Fourth Amendment.
The FBI documents claim that agents are allowed to read emails, text messages, and other private electronic communications without a warrant because of an outdated law, the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (or ECPA), that is failing to protect our privacy in online communications. The FBI is one of many agencies—especially in law enforcement—who can still exploit outrageous ECPA loopholes that leave Americans subject to unconstitutional search and seizure of digital messages.
We can't allow the 4th Amendment to fall by the wayside. Tell Congress to close the loopholes in ECPA that allow the government to illegally monitor the contents of our private communications without a warrant—and to modernize our electronic privacy law in the process.
Send an email to your legislator today to make sure they get the message loud and clear.
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The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) is woefully out of date. It does not adequately protect the privacy of email, search terms, cloud computing and cell phone location information, and does little to prevent the unconstitutional surveillance of Americans by law enforcement agencies like the FBI. I am asking that you modernize ECPA to:
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The Framers of the Constitution expected all Americans would be secure in their "persons, houses, papers, and effects." You must restore my privacy for all electronic communications.
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