Monday, September 9, 2013

TO DO: War in Syria
Source: CREDO

Fort Lee: Vigil to oppose strikes on Syria
Thousands of activists across the country will be taking part in vigils tonight night to urge Congress to avoid another unnecessary, costly, and risky military intervention. Can you be at the vigil in your area to join the movement and tell your legislators not to bomb Syria?
Click below to RSVP:

Today is an urgent day of action when you can gather with your neighbors and send a message to Congress that you don’t support a unilateral military attack on Syria. Over 210,000 CREDO members have signed the petition to Congress, and we’ve reported over 11,000 calls to Congress. Every day more of our representatives from both parties are saying NO to war with Syria.
As a next step, CREDO is joining our friends at MoveOn, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, and the Win Without War Coalition to help organize dozens of vigils around the country, urging local legislators to vote against the authorization for use of U.S. military force in Syria. The more people who attend the vigils, the more poignant and powerful the signal to Congress will be.
It's easy to search for a vigil near you on MoveOn's website. Click on the link below for more details and to RSVP:
What: Vigil to oppose strikes on Syria
When: Today - Monday, September 9
Where: A local venue in or near Fort Lee
Click here to RSVP.
The use of chemical weapons is morally reprehensible, and it should be punished. The International Criminal Court should immediately start war crime tribunals and proceedings against those responsible for the use of chemical weapons in Syria. And the U.S. can take evidence that Assad’s regime used chemical weapons to the UN Security Council and seek a resolution against Syria. Both acts would make it far more difficult for Russia to continue defending the regime and open the door for international action to broker a ceasefire -- the only way we will stop the massacre of civilians.
If you think you will attend, please RSVP so that local organizers will have a rough estimate of how many people are attending. Please click the link below to find and RSVP for the vigil in your area:
Click below to RSVP:

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