Friday, September 13, 2013

TO DO: Stand Your Ground Laws
Source: care2

Justice for Trayvon Martin: No More Stand Your Ground

Justice for Trayvon Martin: No More Stand Your Ground
  • author:
  • target: State Legislatures
  • signatures: 106,439
A 17-year-old boy is dead, shot by a neighborhood vigilante who decided that he would take the law into his own hands. Now, Trayvon Martin's killer will walk free -- because a jury of his peers determined that it was legal for him to murder an innocent teenager in the name of "self-defense."

George Zimmerman faced no charges for more than a month after the shooting thanks to Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, which states that murder is justified in the name of protecting oneself at any cost, even if conflict is avoidable. And though his trial eventually hinged on self-defense rather than "Stand Your Ground," so long as laws like these are on the books, vigilante violence will continue, often with no consequences.

How many innocent people like Trayvon have to die in the name of paranoia before we learn that these laws only lead to bloodshed?

25 states have already adopted such laws despite their demonstrated danger. Tell all states to repeal or reject "Stand Your Ground" laws before more people are murdered for presenting imaginary threats.

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