Tuesday, September 17, 2013

TO DO: Undo Citizens United
Source: People for the American Way

Tell Congress to Overturn Citizens United Now!

constitution - we the people
Every day we see more and more evidence that we must urgently get big money out of our elections.

In just the last week:
  • We learned about the existence of a group called Freedom Partners, which has been called the Koch brothers’ “secret bank” … a slush fund for right-wing millionaires that raised and spent $250 million in 2012.
  • The Open Secrets blog reported that two more shadowy right-wing front groups, formed to funnel massive special interest spending in elections, “have been playing a high-stakes game of hide-the-ball, disguising transfers of millions of dollars from one to the other behind a veil of Delaware limited liability corporations.” Both organizations also have connections to the billionaire industrialist Koch brothers.
  • PFAW’s Right Wing Watch released a case study detailing how one super wealthy right-wing benefactor orchestrated the takeover of the entire state government of North Carolina, resulting in voter suppression, attacks on education and choice, and a skewed tax plan that steals from the poor to give to the rich.
Court decisions like Citizens United have unleashed a flood of corporate and special interest spending that’s drowning our democracy. But there’s a movement to restore the power to where it belongs: with the voter. And it’s growing every day.
16 states have passed resolutions in support of a constitutional amendment to get big money out. Hundreds of cities have done the same. And resolutions have already been introduced by our allies in both the U.S. Senate and House and the number of cosponsors and congressional supporters continues to grow.
After you take action, please help spread the word. With your help, we’ll take our democracy back.

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