Thursday, September 19, 2013

TO DO: Keystone XL Pipeline

Draw The Line: Stop Keystone XL - Sept. 21st

On September 21st, we will draw the line to protect our communities from climate change and show President Obama that there is no turning back -- to keep his climate promises, he has to stop Keystone XL and the tar sands.

Here is why it’s so important to Draw the Line on Keystone XL this weekend:
For the first time, President Obama is talking like he might be willing to reject the pipeline -- but Canada’s government is making a last-ditch effort to strike a deal that would let the pipeline be built, and big oil is adding pressure too, with new efforts to approve it via Congress.
But I believe we can win this fight by taking it out of Washington DC. From big oil's corporate offices, to the pipeline routes and refineries, a growing grassroots movement is confronting the tar sands and on Saturday, we will be holding the largest day of coordinated action against the tar sands yet -- over 200 actions coast-to-coast, from a high water mark being chalked in Manhattan, to a "People's Eminent Domain" in Houston, to a line drawn in the sand outside President Obama's Hawaii vacation home.
It's an honor and a pleasure to be walking this journey with you, shoulder-to-shoulder,
P.S. You can see the full map of (200+!!) Draw the Line actions by clicking here:

If there are no events near you, it's easy to host one.

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