Monday, September 30, 2013

TO DO: Government Shutdown/Tea Party
Source: CREDO

Call Sen. Menendez and tell him: Don't cave to Republican extremists.
With a governmental shutdown looming, we need to make sure Democrats in the Senate don’t cave to the outrageous demands of House Republicans, who are seeking to hold our entire government hostage to their extremist ideology.
Pick up the phone today, and demand Democrats stand up to Republican hostage-takers.
Click below for a sample script and the number to call:
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Intransigent and irresponsible Republican extremists in Congress have set us on course for a government shutdown at midnight tonight.
This weekend, with the clock ticking down, the Republicans chose not to do the responsible thing to ensure the continued functioning of the federal government.
Instead of simply extending governmental funding at current levels, House Republicans passed a budget bill that contained a grab-bag of ideological demands and poison pills wholly unrelated to government spending.
This amounts to nothing less than the Republicans playing a high-stakes game of chicken with our country's well-being, hoping that Democrats blink first and cave to their demands.
We need to make sure Senate Democrats stay strong.
While it's appropriate for lawmakers, Democrats and Republicans, to work to find common ground to keep the government functioning, that's not what’s happening here.
Instead, Republicans are threatening to shutdown the federal government over legislative battles that they have lost in Congress and that have been soundly rejected at the ballot box.
If Democrats don't stand up and act with strength this time, it will only embolden Republicans the next time.
And with the looming debt-ceiling fight just a few weeks away, this is no time for Senate Democrats to telegraph weakness by suggesting that they may reward the Republicans’ outrageous and undemocratic behavior by caving in to their demands.
Thank you for speaking out.
Matt Lockshin, Campaign Manager
CREDO Action from Working Assets
Click below for a sample script and the number to call:
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