Tuesday, September 17, 2013

TO DO: "Defund Obamacare" Vote
Source: Left Action


Update:  House Republicans are pushing hard to shut down the government unless Obamacare is defunded, and a vote could come as early as Friday.  Send a message, join 1,000,000 strong for Obamcare, and tell the Republicans ENOUGH ALREADY.

John Hlinko, Left Action

John Boehner has made a cold calculation at the VERY LAST MINUTE:

Rather than allowing Obamacare to work for millions of Americans, he’s siding with the radical members of his party to dismantle President Obama’s landmark law. Over 80 Tea Party Republicans have already signed on to the plan to shut down the government unless Obamacare is defunded. A vote could come as soon as FRIDAY.

With the biggest Obamacare showdown yet just days away, help us reach ONE MILLION STRONG against Boehner and Tea Party Republicans before the vote.

Automatically add your name right now to stand behind Obamacare before it’s too late >>

Remember, this is the GOP's LAST CHANCE to strike a huge blow to Obamacare before millions start benefiting from it on October 1st. That's why Republicans are threatening a government shutdown if they don’t get their way.

We you need to be a part of this:


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