Tuesday, September 10, 2013

TO DO: Private Prisons
Source: AFSC


Tell the Director of the US Marshals to say 'No' to CCA

The contract between Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) and the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) for detaining immigrants in Arizona is up for renewal on September 13, 2013. The contract guarantees payment for 100% occupancy of 3,200 beds, to the tune of nearly $406 million.

CCA is the largest private-prison company in the U.S. and reported over $1.7 billion in revenues for 2012. You and I are paying for those profits. And so are immigrants.

Please join me in calling on the U.S. Marshals Service to cancel its contracts with CCA in Arizona.
Sample letter: 
I call upon the U.S. Marshals Service not to renew its contract with Corrections Corporation of America for two immigrant detention facilities in Arizona: Florence Correctional Center and Central Arizona Detention Center. Instead of spending millions of taxpayer dollars to enrich immoral for-profit prison companies like CCA, I ask that public funds be invested in compassionate and humane responses to the needs of people crossing our shared border. 

Stacia Hylton

US Department of Justice

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