Wednesday, September 25, 2013

TO DO: Defunding Boehner and Tea Party Republicans
Source: Left Action

Tell Boehner: "Go Defund Yourself"

After more than 40 votes to repeal Obamacare, John Boehner and his House Republican caucus have taken their crazed obsession to a new level: They have actually passed a bill that could lead to a government shutdown unless Obamacare is defunded.

Conspicuously absent from that bill, however, was a promise that Boehner and the Republicans pushing it would forgo their own salaries in the event of a shutdown.

House Republicans aren't doing their jobs as it is. Why should they still get paid if the rest of the government is shut down?
Send Boehner a message, and demand that House Republicans agree to forgo their salaries in the event of a shutdown, and return any payments made to them.
Tell Boehner: "Go Defund Yourself."

Tell Boehner: Go Defund Yourself

"House Republicans are the ones pushing for a government shutdown, so it makes no sense that they should continue to get paid if that shutdown actually happens. I demand that you commit to forgo your salaries, if a shutdown takes place."

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