Tuesday, September 3, 2013

TO DO: Environment/Power Plant Water Pollution
Source: Earth Justice

Earthjustice - Take Action Today
TAKE ACTION! Clean Up Power Plant
Water Pollution

Power plant pollution is a triple threat. For decades, it has poisoned our water, land, and air.Tell the EPA to adopt the strongest proposed standards on power plant water pollution.
When the Clean Water Act was passed, Congress established a national goal to eliminate water pollution by 1985. Yet, pollution from power plants still poisons our drinkable, fishable, and swimmable water sources.
To make our drinking water safe, EPA must set strong standards that force the nation’s biggest polluters to stop discharging toxic wastewaters. By far the best option proposed by EPA is for power plants to install zero liquid discharge technology and convert to safer coal ash handling systems that will eliminate discharges of the most contaminated wastewaters entirely.
The utility industry is pushing hard for weak standards that would allow power plants to keep using our rivers and streams as dumping grounds. Help us now by urging the EPA to adopt the strong pollution standards that the Clean Water Act requires.
Thank you,
Jared Saylor
Jared Saylor
Campaign Director
Take action today!

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